Come have lunch with us on December 20. It’ll be a relaxed, cheerful event with conversation and games, all in the Christmas spirit.
In addition to the fun, we’ll be electing next year’s officers!
The slate of nominees is as follows:
President: Melanie Elliott
1st Vice President: Rebecca Hedges
2nd Vice President: Cindy Acree
Corresponding Secretary: Rhonda Cook
Treasurer: Dianna Lankford
We are accepting nominations for Recording Secretary.
The duties of the Recording Secretary:
– be a regular (not associate) BCRW member
– attend the executive board meetings
(1st Mon/each month/12-1:30)
– attend the regular club meetings
(3rd Tue/each month/11:30-1:30)
– record minutes at the meetings, promptly send them to board members, and read them at meetings if requested
– support other BCRW activities with effort and attendance
If this fits your skill set and availability, please consider being BCRW’s recording secretary. Reply to this email if you have questions or ideas. We’d love to have your help. Thank you!