Get a Sneak Peek at Your Ballot for the Upcoming Election
Visit to see your ballot.
Information on Elected Officials and Candidates
Voting Locations
Voter Registration and Campaign Info on the Arkansas Secretary of State’s Website
The Arkansas Secretary of State website has all your election information from voter registration to a database where you can search the financial reports of the state and national candidates. Visit
Political Donation Tax Credit
Every Arkansas taxpayer has a tax credit for political donations. This credit provides for an individual income tax credit of up to $50 per taxpayer ($100 for a joint return) for cash contributions made by the taxpayer in a taxable year to one or more of the
- A state or local candidate seeking nomination or election to a public office or to the candidate’s campaign committee
- An approved political action committee
- An organized political party.
Click here to learn more.
The credit does not apply to candidates for federal offices such as U.S. Senate. Contributions taken on the Arkansas return must be made by April 15 of the following year (example: donate for 2020 before April 15, 2021 to claim the tax credit on your 2020 Arkansas tax return).