You’re invited to BCRW’s September 17 luncheon. Our featured speaker will be Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Kevin Metcalf of the 4th Judicial District of Arkansas, founder of the National Child Protection Task Force (NCPTF), which exists to protect children from exploitation.
Kevin has helped countless agencies identify and apprehend sexual predators and recover children. The task force is a concept he developed “because nobody can be an expert in everything every day, especially a technology-heavy area like this.” The task force began to form in 2018. Come hear more on September 17.
BCRW meets the third Tuesday of each month at the Pleasant Crossing Golden Corral in Rogers (exit 81). Networking begins at 11:30 and the meeting begins at noon. We warmly invite guests to attend.
Questions? Contact Rebecca Hedges at 479.685.5476.